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Violence & Intervention


Creative Interventions Toolkit: A Practical Guide to Stop Interpersonal Violence 

An in-depth toolkit designed to help those experiencing interpersonal violence.


Radicalization Leading to Violence - A Test of the 3N Model 

The present research examines the social cognitive processes underlying ideologically-based violence through the lens of the 3N model of radicalization.

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Addicted to Hate - Identity Residual Amoungst Former White Supremists 

The process of leaving deeply meaningful and embodied identities can be experienced as a struggle against addiction, with continuing cognitive, emotional, and physiological responses that are involuntary, unwanted, and triggered by environmental factors. Using data derived from a unique set of in-depth life history interviews with 89 former U.S. white supremacists, as well as theories derived from recent advances in cognitive sociology, we examine how a rejected identity can persist despite a desire to change.

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Abolition and Systemic Control


Abolishing Carceral Society - Abolition Collective 

Abolishing Carceral Society presents the bold voices and inspiring visions of today’s revolutionary abolitionist movements struggling against capitalism, patriarchy, colonialism, ecological crisis, prisons, and borders.


Are Prisons Obsolete? - Angela Y. Davis 

With her characteristic brilliance, grace and radical audacity, Angela Y. Davis has put the case for the latest abolition movement in American life: the abolition of the prison.


Community: The Structure of Belonging - Peter Block 

This book reports on voluntary, self-organizing structures that focus on gifts and value hospitality, the welcoming of strangers. It shows how to reweave our social fabric, especially in our neighborhoods. In this way we collectively have enough to create a future that works for all.


Foreign Aid: Are we really helping others or just ourselves? - Maliha Chishti

Exploring the intricacies of foreign aid.


Hospicing Modernity - Vanessa Machado de Oliveira 

“Asking the question ‘What if racism, colonialism, and all other forms of toxic and contagious divisions are preventable social diseases?’, Hospicing Modernity invites its reader to dare and educate themselves by undergoing a process of self-unmaking. Drawing on and moving beyond traditions of radical pedagogy, such as those inspired by Paulo Freire, Vanessa Machado de Oliveira has created a powerful tool for uncovering, undoing, and recovering from the deadly ways in which modernity also lives and dies as humans experience it subjectively.”

—Denise Ferreira da Silva


Ineligible: Single Mothers Under Welfare Surveillance - Krys Maki 

While the poor have always been monitored and surveilled by the state when seeking financial support, the methods, techniques, and capacity for surveillance within and across government jurisdictions has profoundly altered how recipients navigate social assistance. Welfare surveillance has exacerbated social inequality, especially among low income, Indigenous, and racialized single mothers. Krys Maki unpacks in-depth interviews with Ontario Works caseworkers, anti-poverty activists, and single mothers on assistance in Kingston, Peterborough, and Toronto, and employs intersectional feminist political economy and critical surveillance theory to contextualize the ways neoliberal welfare reforms have subjected low-income single mothers to intensive state surveillance.


Red Skin, White Masks: Rejecting the Colonial Politics of Recognition - Glen Sean Coulthard

In a work of critically engaged political theory, Glen Sean Coulthard challenges recognition as a method of organizing difference and identity in liberal politics, questioning the assumption that contemporary difference and past histories of destructive colonialism between the state and Indigenous peoples can be reconciled through a process of acknowledgment.


Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (RRCAP) 

The Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (RCAP) concerns government policy with respect to the original historical nations of this country. Those nations are important to Canada, and how Canada relates to them defines in large measure its sense of justice and its image in its own eyes and before the world.


Shifting Carceral Landscapes: Decarceration and the Reconfiguration of White Supremacy - Colleen Hackett and Ben Turk

This essay explores the changing contours of white supremacy in the United States, and in particular its relationship to systems of control and confinement.


The Little Book of Restorative Justice - Howard Zehr 

Howard Zehr, known worldwide for his pioneering work in transforming our understandings of justice, here proposes workable principles and practices for making restorative justice both possible and useful.


Tribe: On Homecoming and Belonging - Sebastian Junger

Combining history, psychology, and anthropology, TRIBE explores what we can learn from tribal societies about loyalty, belonging, and the eternal human quest for meaning. It explains the irony that-for many veterans as well as civilians-war feels better than peace, adversity can turn out to be a blessing, and disasters are sometimes remembered more fondly than weddings or tropical vacations. TRIBE explains why we are stronger when we come together, and how that can be achieved even in today's divided world.

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